Preparation for a Lifetime of Learning

The Learning Environment
Dr. Maria Montessori believed that education is an internal process whereby children learn through experience. She observed that children find joy in work; that they naturally learn with their hands; and that confidence, resilience, and independence develop through practicing and perfecting skills.

Montessori Children’s House was established in Springfield, Illinois, in 1977, offering primary and elementary Montessori education. The school has been at its present location in the historic former Sandhill School since 1980. Each of our classrooms is directed by American Montessori Society certified teachers and assistants.

Primary Classrooms

Elementary Classrooms

The Primary classrooms, ages 3 to 6, offer concrete learning activities designed to promote cognitive development and self-esteem. Teachers guide children to additional activities based on the child’s individual needs and passions, ensuring well-rounded development through the presentation of a variety of lessons.
In our multi-age Elementary classrooms, students ages 6 through 12, also work with concrete materials that explain concepts in mathematics, geometry, history, geography, language arts and science. Students work both in small groups and independently. 

This age group engages with the broader community through a variety of field trip opportunities and develops an appreciation of the natural world through prepared and spontaneous activities in the outdoor environment.

Older students work at refining learned skills and broadening their knowledge base through opportunities for self-directed research, small group work, and presentations of researched and documented material to the younger elementary students.

The mixed-age classrooms at all levels allow the younger children to learn from the older children, and create an environment where children can learn at their own pace. This facilitates a feeling of usefulness in the older children that reinforces their learning and builds self-esteem while younger students look up to the older children as helpful role models.

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An education capable of saving humanity is no small undertaking:  it involves the spiritual development of man, the enhancement of his value as an individual, and the preparation of young people to understand the times in which they live.

-Maria Montessori
